Jazz Costumes
Costume Care instructions:
Write Child's name on EVERY piece of costume, even both shoes. If it is coming to the Auditorium it should have a name on it!
Remove the costume from the garment bag. Hang upside down and steam out the tutu so that it is fluffy and not wrinkled. You may also leave it in the bathroom as the shower runs to help with steaming.
Costume Changes!
If your child has one or more costume changes they are REQUIRED to have and wear a foundation garment (Nude leotard). You can find these on Amazon, Discount Dance and The Dance Store in Salem. This will aid with quick changes and maintain modesty.
Jazz I
Provided by Studio
Rainbow dance dress
Troll hair headband (we will hang on to these until after the show)
Nude tights
Provided by Family
Black Jazz Shoes
Nude Leo if they complain about itching or having a costume change.
Ballet Bun
Jazz II
Provided by Studio
Blue dance dress
Sparkly Belt bow (it is just clipped on)
Nude tights
Provided by Family
Black Jazz Shoes
Nude Leo if they complain about itching or having a costume change
Pigtails, or ballet bun if needed for quick change.
Jazz III
Feminine Presenting:
Provided by Studio
Silver sparkle dress
Nude tights
Provided by Family
Black jazz shoes or half sole
Nude undergarments!!!
Nude Leo if needed
A high ponytail is preferred. If your hair is too short for that the half up half down, so hair is out of the face. If you need your hair in a bun for ballet you may have your hair in a bun as well.
Ballet Bun - this could be a "Happy Bun" (worn low on the back of the head, right above the neck) or a "Classical Bun" (worn on the crown of the head). Hair too short for a Ballet bun should be secured away from the face if it drifts into the eyes. Otherwise it can just exist on the owner's head in whatever way it usually would.
Masculine Presenting:
Provided by Studio
Silver metallic shirt (Borrowed)
Black pants
Provided by Family
Black jazz shoes
Black socks
Light colored under shirt
Nude Leo and undergarments if needed
Neatly combed and out of face
Jazz IV
Provided by Studio
Red dress
Nude tights
Provided by Family
Half sole shoes or barefoot
Nude under garments!!!
Nude Leo if needed
Half up half down is preferred. If you need your hair in a bun for ballet you may have your hair in a bun as well.
Ballet Bun - this could be a "Happy Bun" (worn low on the back of the head, right above the neck) or a "Classical Bun" (worn on the crown of the head). Hair too short for a Ballet bun should be secured away from the face if it drifts into the eyes. Otherwise it can just exist on the owner's head in whatever way it usually would.
Advanced jazz
Feminine Presenting:
Provided by Studio
Black top
Navy skirt
Nude tights
Provided by Family
Tan half sole shoes or barefoot
Nude undergarments!!!!
Nude Leo
Down is preferred.. If you need your hair in a bun for ballet you may have your hair in a bun as well.
Ballet Bun - this could be a "Happy Bun" (worn low on the back of the head, right above the neck) or a "Classical Bun" (worn on the crown of the head). Hair too short for a Ballet bun should be secured away from the face if it drifts into the eyes. Otherwise it can just exist on the owner's head in whatever way it usually would.
Masculine Presenting:
Provided by Studio
Blue mesh shirt (borrow)
Black tap pants
Provided by Family
Black jazz shoes
Nude Leo/undergarments if needed
Neatly combed and out of face